Friday, July 20, 2007


This snake was found in our back field a few days ago. The guys were clearing out some brush to put up a new goat fence when they came across this! They killed it with a shovel before they realized it was just a black snake. It is at least 4 feet long!! When I asked the kids if they wanted to take a picture with it I thought for sure I would get a "No Way!"

We have had a couple more run ins with "critters" this summer. The dogs found a family of skunks in the back field...which we found out from the smell of course! We went back to investigate a few days later and realized they had actually caught a couple of them...

I was mowing last weekend out in the field where the grass was at least 3 foot tall...when I turned the mower around I noticed something flopping in the row I had just was a baby bunny!!! It did not have any cuts on it but was bleeding from the nose and didnt make it. That ruined my afternoon and I was done mowing after that. Erics response was of course "they will eat the garden!" but I just cant stand the thought of killing a bunny!!!

1 comment:

The Hagens said...

that's a pretty big snake for that area! and i can relate to how you felt about the bunny... thanks for sharing pics and stories from your life.