Monday, August 13, 2007

The Boys

A couple weeks ago I let all the kids invite a friend over for the day. This is a picture of the 4 boys playing trains in the great room. They had a great time playing spiderman and Thomas. You'll notice 3 of them have spiderman costumes on. Mason and Brody have a drawer full of costumes....spiderman, superman, mr.incredible, buzz, etc. and they tried them ALL on!! Mason and his friend Tyler wanted me to build this Thomas track and they spent alot of time doing this. Brody and his friend Benton spent most of their time playing spiderman but they did take a break to play trains now and then. Taylor had Rachel over but they did what girls do...spent most of their time in Taylors room playing I didnt include a picture of them!
My kids now know what video games are...there is no turning back!!! I broke down and rented a playstation the other day and they have been hilarious to watch!! They are SO into it the way they move their whole body all over the place trying to make spiderman do what they want!! While one is playing the other is gets pretty intense!! We rented it for 5 days and I am kind of looking forward to taking it back!! They are getting a little obsessed! At least I now have some leverage....we can only rent that again if you (fill in the blank)!! They boys arent the only ones that have enjoyed it though...the big kid Eric has spent some time on it "helping the kids"....and Taylor has enjoyed playing "Ratatouille"
They all start back to school on tuesday the 21st and are very excited!! We checked the teacher list last week and I am very happy with the teachers they got. Taylor will be going into a new building this year so she is a little nervous about that, but they have a "meet the teacher" night this thursday so that will make it a little easier Im sure. Our schools are all on the same property but they are broke down in many different buildings....K-2nd, 3rd & 4th, 5th & 6th, 7th & 8th, and 9th-12th...5 different buildings! We have a brand new high school this year also! Hope everyone has had a great summer!!

1 comment:

The Hagens said...

Sorry our boys missed the play day in your living room! :) Looks like fun. 1st day of school went well - on the 2nd now. :)