Thursday, August 30, 2007


Grandma and Grandpa got the kids new beds last weekend! Well, actually the boys got new beds and Taylor got a new mattress that she really needed. Mason and Brody have been sleeping together in the same twin bed since they were toddlers and they have recently been asking for their own beds. They were very excited about having their "own" blanket that they got to pick out...Mason chose Thomas and Brody chose Spiderman. This picture was taken just an hour or two after we set the beds up. They crawled in them to "try them out" and they fell asleep!! You might be able to see in the picture, Brody also has Buzz and Woody on each shoulder. They sure are funny.
This is the morning of the first day of school which for us was August 21st. They were SO excited to get back to school. They played "school" for a few days after they got all their supplies. The newness has sort of warn off now...they are sick of getting up early!! They are still having a good time though and they have Great teachers!!

1 comment:

The Hagens said...

Hope your back to school week went well! Can't believe how much your 3 are growing!