Monday, October 22, 2007

pumpkin patch time!

We visited a pumpkin patch a couple weeks ago and had a lot of fun. They had a big corn maze that the kids always enjoy. If you get lost you hold up the flag so everyone can find you. This is the first year we tried this particular one and it was pretty cool...they even had an area set up with goats you could feed!! Eric thinks maybe we have the beginnings of our own pumpkin patch/corn maze business!!
The tractor and wagon loads you up and drives you out to the pumpkin field and then comes back a while later to pick you up. We had picked out so many we almost couldnt carry them all back on the wagon. The coat on my lap is FULL of small gourds!
Here is a good picture of all of us with my mom and dad....Cassidy even came along for this one!
Another Family Photo!
Sissy got to come along too!
Kind of a cool picture of the kids jumping off the hay bales!
They had this huge blow up haunted house that the boys just loved...they went through it twice. Taylor thought it was a little too scary and only went once!
Thanks for checking us out!
Hope youre having a great Fall Season!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Branson Scenic Railway!

This is the train we rode on! It was pretty cool....none of us adults had ever been on a train before either. It holds about 300 people but there were only around 150 on our tour. There was a snack car, dinner car, 3 observation cars and of course passenger cars. The ride lasted about 2 hours and went to Arkansas and back!
We went over 2 bridges and I tried to get a picture on this one as the back of the train came around the corner. We were really high up! That was a little scary!! When we first left the station we had to cross the Tanycomo River and that was definately could feel the train swaying!
The kids had plenty of room to relax while they watched the scenery go by!!
This is when we were in one of the observation cars. It has a high top on it that is all windows so you can get a great view. You can see the window the kids are looking out of is the top of the next train car. This was a fun place to sit!
What a view!!
While we were on the train it went over 3 bridges and through 2 tunnels. The tunnels were really fun of course for the kids. It got pitch black and lasted several minutes. This is a picture of us coming up on a tunnel.
Taylor enjoying her view.
The train ride was alot of fun, but I think everyone was ready to get back home! I need a couple days to rest!!
Here is everyone in the car on the drive home having a "little" sugar!! We sure had our share of junk food while we were there, but I guess that is half the fun of vacation, right?!!