Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Summer Fun & Animals

This picture was taken on the last day of school, which was last thursday the 24th. I cant believe the boys are done with kindergarten already, and Taylor will be in 3rd grade!! They were all sad to see school end. Thursday night the boys sat on the couch staring at their yearbooks and crying...it was so sad! They all did great this year...Taylor was practically straight A's and her reading level is grade 5!! We are pretty proud!
These are my 5 white silkie chickens...in this picture they are still inside the rabbit hutch which is in the chicken coop. I was waiting for them to get a little bigger before I turned them loose with all the others. Their feathers arent quite all the way out...when they are finished you wont be able to see their eyes....they will just look like a little white poof ball....pretty cute huh?!
I let them out of the hutch yesterday and they were having so much fun scratching at the ground...which they hadnt been able to do yet. They didnt really get picked on much by the bigger chickens and seem to be doing fine. There was one last night that didnt make it back in the coop. I went out to shut the door and she was outside sleeping between the water container and the fence. It might take a couple nights for them to figure out they are suppose to go in.

Well, the kids have started their summer fun of course...I got them this slip & slide and they spent all afternoon on it. This was to tide them over until we start going to Big Surf Waterpark in a few days. This will be the first year we have had season passes...thanks to Grandpa Ronnie and Grandma Barby!!

I love this one....Taylor's expression is great!! Hope you all are having a good summer so far!! Thanks for the comments!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Outside

OK...here are a few pics of the outside of Petskas Place. This is some of the annuals we grew in the greenhouse. I wish I would of taken some pictures when the greenhouses were completely full. In this picture there are impatiens, zinnias, and a few white petunias in the back.

Before Tan Tar A picked up most of their flowers the floors in here were completely covered in color....they have just a few more flats to pick up and then we will be making some baskets and pots to hopefully get rid of at the farmers market. And of course we get some of the "leftovers" in our yard!!

This is what the field is looking like right now....there are a lot of shrubs, trees and perennials. Most of this we order in from other nurseries. We just grow annuals, some perennials, and mums.

Here is a picture of the front of the house...I know most of you have seen it but there are a couple of people that I thought might enjoy seeing it. It is a little hidden behind the two birch trees!

Thanks so much for looking....let me know if there is anything you would like to see more of!! Wish you could all come see it in person!!

Last Fall

Here is a shot of the field last fall...we grew all these mums. It was our first try at this and they turned out so well. We will be growing them again this fall. I will get some recent photos up soon of what the field looks like right now.

This photo is also from last year...but it was so neat how the sun was setting behind the greenhouses. The area the kids are standing in you can see the firepit next to them with the smoke rising...campfires sure are fun!! I will also get some recent photos of the flowers inside the greenhouse soon.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Life at Petska's Place

Hi everyone!! We decided it would be fun to make a blog for all of you family and friends
to keep up with whats going on here at"Petska's Place". I love this picture of the kids "hanging out" under the willow tree. It would be interesting to know what they are talking about!!

This is how you will normally find Mason and Brody on any given day!! They are totally into superheroes right now...and they also love these cars they got for christmas!

Some of you may be wondering....Mason is superman and Brody is spiderman!

This is a picture of Eric and his two amigos....
they are quite the trio!!! Eric has been swamped this spring with work...never enough time in the day! I will put in a picture of the fields and greenhouses later. We grew all the annuals for Tan Tar A again this spring and they turned out really well.

Meet Dahlia and Zinnie (white)....our newest adventure in animals!! Mom and I have decided to try raising some Boer goats and selling the babies. Our first babies will hopefully be due in the spring of 2008....We pick up the male sometime next month. The kids are really having a good time with them...they are very friendly and right now are only about the size of a large dog.

This is our new "goat dog" Dingo. He is such a good boy!! He is a mixture of Pyrenese and Anatolian Shepherd-both are livestock breeds.
I took him in for his final puppy shots on monday and he weighed 57 pounds at 4 1/2 months!! Of course the kids LOVE him!! (and so does Eric even though he wont admit it!!)

Here are some of our 35 chickens...we also have 10 ducks which Im not sure if you can see in the back of this picture. Sometimes I will let them out of their fenced in area to roam the yard and eat grass and bugs, but I have to keep an eye on them or they are in my landscape beds kicking mulch everywhere! Right now we get about 2 dozen eggs a day!!

In April I went to the hatchery and got a few more baby chicks...thats always fun! I will take
a recent picture of them soon. They are now out with the other chickens, but still pretty small. We have one of our ducks sitting on a nest of eggs, but Im not sure if they are going to hatch...if so it should be any day.

Grandma Jeanie visited us this month and she took alot of great pictures while she was here.
I never seem to end up in photos since Im always the one taking them!! In this one I am feeding them some grass...one of their favorite things!!

Isnt this cute??!! We have been going out on
my mom and dads pontoon boat on sundays
and I got this shot of the kids "practicing fishing". We let them try casting for a while without hooks until they got the hang of it....trying to lessen the chance of an accident!!

I love this photo...we were getting ready to go
on the boat. They are getting SO big!!

Hope you liked our first post...I will try and get more on later...let me know what you thought!!!