Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Summer Fun & Animals

This picture was taken on the last day of school, which was last thursday the 24th. I cant believe the boys are done with kindergarten already, and Taylor will be in 3rd grade!! They were all sad to see school end. Thursday night the boys sat on the couch staring at their yearbooks and crying...it was so sad! They all did great this year...Taylor was practically straight A's and her reading level is grade 5!! We are pretty proud!
These are my 5 white silkie chickens...in this picture they are still inside the rabbit hutch which is in the chicken coop. I was waiting for them to get a little bigger before I turned them loose with all the others. Their feathers arent quite all the way out...when they are finished you wont be able to see their eyes....they will just look like a little white poof ball....pretty cute huh?!
I let them out of the hutch yesterday and they were having so much fun scratching at the ground...which they hadnt been able to do yet. They didnt really get picked on much by the bigger chickens and seem to be doing fine. There was one last night that didnt make it back in the coop. I went out to shut the door and she was outside sleeping between the water container and the fence. It might take a couple nights for them to figure out they are suppose to go in.

Well, the kids have started their summer fun of course...I got them this slip & slide and they spent all afternoon on it. This was to tide them over until we start going to Big Surf Waterpark in a few days. This will be the first year we have had season passes...thanks to Grandpa Ronnie and Grandma Barby!!

I love this one....Taylor's expression is great!! Hope you all are having a good summer so far!! Thanks for the comments!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uncle Tom and I love the while silkies!!!! We had some babies just like these when we first moved to the country! They are definitely our favorite animals at Petska's Place!! Big HUG to everyone from your favorite Greatest Aunt Connie