Thursday, August 9, 2007


This morning I went to feed the chickens and I got the COOLEST surprise!! I know there are two in this picture, but at first there was just one. When we got home this afternoon there was the second!! And just in case you are confused...yes that is a chicken and those are baby DUCKS!! This hen has been diligent about sitting on eggs for a few weeks now.
I think it was kind of a "group effort" on getting these two little ones hatched. There are two female Welsh Harlequin ducks and this hen that have been spending all their time working on this batch of eggs. Im not sure if there will be more babies in the next few days or it might be another week or so....if we get anymore at all. Its hard to know which eggs have been there how long. The ducks dont mind too much if I come in to take a look, although they do talk to me alot. This hen is a completely different story...she is now an attack chicken. I had to really zoom to get this shot and I still was a little worried about her going for me. I thought our rooster was mean!! Dont mess with this hen and what she thinks to be "her babies"!!
You can tell the one on the right is the newest...still a little damp. The other one looks to have a little bit of black it will probably be black and white. The one on the right seems to be all yellow right now and white later of course. Nothing cuter than babies is there?

1 comment:

The Hagens said...

How cute! The kids loved the pics of the ducks. Too funny about the momma hen. You should check our blog out 2 - I just posted some pics of our time with Matt and Erin.