Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Just January on the Farm!

Well, I haven't written much lately. Sorry...I dont have any new photos either!! This month has been really strange as far as weather goes. We have had single digits with negative wind chills and we have also had the 60's!! Just today it was 60 degrees when I took the kids to school and when I picked them up it was 20 degrees and snowing....the wind was blowing about 20-30 mph...it was bitter!!! Only in Missouri!!

You might of heard about all the tornadoes that we had a couple weeks ago...it was pretty intense. There were like 30 tornadoes that touched down around our surrounding area. We watched the news as long as we could and finally went to bed around 11pm. We were woke up by the sound of the wind around 2am...it was the loudest we had EVER heard! I went immediately to turn the TV on to see if we were under a warning and as soon as I got there the power shut off!! We tried our best to look outside and see if anything was blowing away. Of course I was concerned about the animals and their shelters and Eric was worried about the greenhouse. We didnt know exactly what had happened until morning. One of our spruce trees by the front of the house was uprooted and laying sideways, one side of the barn had blown off and was laying on the cow fence, the gate into the girls (goats) area was wide open and I had a moment of panic thinking that are pregnant girls had blown away!! When I ran out to check on them they were snug in their shelter and hadnt even noticed the gate was open! We also had the two big doors blown off the greenhouses...but luckily all of these things were fixable!!

We have been dealing with a few different things with the animals. We ended up finding Rock (one of the horses) a new home. He just was not getting along with the goats very well and we were afraid he was going to hurt one, or worse. He was a good horse, he just didnt like being messed with when he is eating...and goats LOVE to eat. He was trying to bite and kick them while they climbed around trying to get little bits of his food that fell on the ground. Some friends of ours ended up taking him and it worked out for the best. We still have Dazzle, and he is doing great. Dingo (the dog) has become pretty attached to Dazzle...he follows him everywhere and lays with him.

We also have had some sick goats...not much fun. Domino got a nasty cough that turned into pneumonia and Dahlia started to get the cough but we caught it before it got too bad. We had to give them both shots twice daily and some liquid medicine also twice daily. The first few days of giving meds were a little challenging since by the time I got out there with the shots they would freeze up in the syringe. It has been almost a week now and I think everyone is getting better.

Us humans here on the farm are doing really well and staying fairly healthy. I will write more later and tell of all the work we are busy on getting flowers planted in the greenhouse. Soon things around here will be in full swing!!
Hope you are all doing great....more later!


The Hagens said...

that sounds like quite the storm!!! Glad everyone was ok and that all the things were fixable. Weird to hear about cold weather there - it is 92 in our office right now - that is INSIDE!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I love this Christy! What a great way to feel like we are in touch so far way. We love and miss you all.
love, Auntie Wendy, Uncle Chuck and Samantha!